Friday, May 29, 2009

A Wedding, 2 dogs, & lots of family

So its been awhile since I've posted anything. Lets see if I can remember all thats happened. Still looking for jobs. We'll most likely end up moving in with either set of parents but who knows just yet. Brig is just getting big and big and is skinny like his daddy. He's saying lots of new words and you can almost get full sentences out of him (depends on the day). It was cute yesterday on the way to mom's house. He kept asking me where the babies were. I told him I didn't know where they were because I hadn't seen them. So then he asked about where his daddy was.
Brig and I went with my family to a cousin's wedding Memorial Day weekend in New Mexico. It was a rainy weekend but it was nice. The wedding was beautiful. The bride and groom very happy. They went to Hawaii for the honeymoon. We stayed with my Aunt Connie and her family. They also have 2 dogs. Now dogs used to scare Brig but by the time we left on Sunday, he was chasing those 2 dogs every where. He wouldn't go to bed at night until the dogs were in bed. He'd give them hugs and kisses but didn't like it when they tried to jump on him or lick him. The barking scared him some what but not to bad. Only if it was right in his face.
I got to talk to a cousin of mine that i haven't talked to since i was about 10 years old. She got married a few months before I did. It was nice catching up with her. There were family there from Utah, D.C., Arizona, and New Mexico. It was great. Don't get to see them very often anymore.


Photography By Jo said...

OK!!! You definitely have to keep me updated on the job stuff and where you will be living! I'm SOO out of the loop here in Idaho!

Unknown said...

I hope you guys find a job soon. You are in our prayers. Maybe a good time to finish school while things are slow. Good luck! We love you!

Missy said...

I hope Tyler is able to find a job soon!
Let me know if you ever want to get together and let the kids play or we can meet up at the gym:)

Marrdy said...

It was a fun weekend wasn't it?